Privacy and cookies policy

Date of entry into force of this Privacy Notice: May 25, 2018.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

2. For what purposes do we treat the information?

3. Where does it come from and what information do we deal with?

4. What are cookies?

5. What are your rights in relation to the information we treat?

6. How long will we keep the information?

7. What is the legitimacy for the treatment of information?

8. Where do we store your information and who has access to the information?

9. Changes in the privacy and cookies policy

At Bebé de París we want to protect and respect your privacy, for which we adopt the security measures established in the legal regulations. Next, we explain how and why we collect your data. The information you provide is confidential, and will only be disclosed in the cases contemplated below and when a public or judicial administration requests it or if it is necessary in any other case contemplated by law.

When you create a user account, when you buy one of our products or services or when completing a form, you are directly providing us with information such as your identity, your address or a means of payment. Also, when you visit our website, use our social media accounts, open your email, view our ads published on our digital media or third parties from your computer, your tablet, your phone or from any other device, you are facilitating us In an automated way, information about your browsing habits and about the devices and software you use.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Company name: La Cigüeña del Bebe S.L. (hereinafter, Bebé de París)

CIF: B60690443

Address: Antonio Araguas, 3 P.I. Europolis 28232 Las Rozas, Madrid

Registration Registration: Registered in the Mercantile Registry in: Volume 27642, page 156, page B119813

Phone: (+34) 917 105 552

You can contact our privacy officer, which you can contact if you have any questions about how we treat the information, by sending an email to

The policy established on this page is applicable to the data of users collected by Bebé de París through:

non-digital media, such as forms on paper;

digital media, such as online forms, emails,

SMS, websites, blogs owned by BEBÉ DE PARÍS, social network accounts where BEBÉ DE PARÍS is present or viewing ads (hereinafter, digital media).

For the purposes of this privacy policy, users are, in general, persons who:

they provide us with information when filling in any of the available forms, when creating an account in Bebé de París through its profile in a social network, when requesting a service, when acquiring a product or when participating in the promotions that we develop,

or that they use the aforementioned digital media without having registered through the established forms.

2. For what purposes do we treat the information?

In Bebé de París we treat your personal data for the following purposes:

2.1. Browse the web and use our digital media

We treat the information to allow and facilitate access and navigation to our digital media. For example, to offer you the version of web page or application that best suits the characteristics of the device from which you access, your language, etc., as well as to provide you with the services we offer through them, such as, for example, , information about the products that we commercialize, access specialized content and blogs or send you communications by email or SMS.

2.2. Manage the services you request

In these cases we treat the information you provide us, for example, to manage the orders you make, so you can access specialized content and blogs, so you can obtain the discounts we offer or participate in the promotions we make, as well as to resolve the questions and claims you raise about the services we provide through the means at your disposal.

2.3. Improve the services we offer and the security

Other uses for which we use the information is to perform analyzes of the use of our media and the results of advertising actions to achieve the maintenance, improvement and efficiency of our services and digital media that allow us to develop new functionalities, protect the security of your data and our digital media, detect and prevent fraud all through the realization of statistical reports based on the information you provide us and that you generate when using our services and digital media or when viewing our ads.

2.4. Advertise our products in our digital and third-party media

The information we use is used to send you advertising of the products we sell through email, SMS and the rest of the digital media we have, both unsegmented and segmented, according to the information we have about your profile. . For the realization of the segmentation, we treat data from third parties obtained through different sources, such as social networks, geomarketing tools or from your browsing habits through our digital or third-party media, in order to obtain more information about your socioeconomic characteristics, tastes and habits.

We also treat the aforementioned information on your profile to send you segmented and non-segmented advertising about our products and services through other digital media that BEBÉ DE PARÍS does not own, as, for example, in newspapers or digital magazines, on specialized blogs, mobile apps or social networks.

2.5. Comply with legal obligations and other requirements

Finally, it is also necessary for BEBÉ DE PARÍS to process your data for the fulfillment of our legal obligations, for example, in tax regulations, data protection or services of the information society, as well as to assist the requirements that are requested from public authorities.

3. Where does it come from and what information do we deal with?

The information that we try to elaborate your profile comes from:

3.1. Data that you have provided us directly

In these cases, the information you have provided us directly through the forms that appear in our media, digital or paper format, information such as your name, surname, email address, postal address, phone number or your card of credit.

3.2. Data collected in an automated way through cookies

Likewise, we collect data in an automated way through cookies on the navigation and use you make of our website, our social network accounts, our emails or SMS, on the display of ads published on our digital media or in other third-party media and about the comments, opinions and interactions, such as, for example, the "like" options that you make from your profile, if you had registered through a social login button or have become a follower of our accounts in social networks.

In these cases, the information we collect refers to the context data and browsing habits and use in our digital or third-party media, search queries, viewing of the ads, such as the browser version , the IP address, the sites you have visited, the opening time of the emails, the pages or sections of our website, social network accounts that you have visited, where you are connected from, the terminal where you saw the advertisement and the time at which you have seen it, the place or the web page from where you access, the social network, digital newspaper or digital media where you visualize the advertisement, the data of your public profile of your social network accounts when you create your account in Bebé de París, the comments that you make in a social network about Bebé de París, the hour or the content of the same.

3.3. Social network data

In social networks, we have access to the social profiles of the people or entities that decide to follow our social network accounts. We access the information available according to the level of privacy that each user has marked in each network, for example, if you do not make your email public to other contacts, we will not see it.

4. What are cookies?

For the automated obtaining of the aforementioned data we use different techniques for its capture, such as cookies.

A cookie is a data, file or device for storage and retrieval of data (DARD), which is downloaded to your device when accessing our web pages, social network accounts or when receiving an email. Cookies allow automated storage and retrieval of data about your profile, the use you make of the aforementioned digital media and the equipment or device from which you access them.

There are different types of cookies, such as:

Own cookies: are those that are sent to your device from a domain managed by Bebé de París from where we provide our services and where our website or our email service is hosted.

Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to your device from a computer or domain that is not managed by Bebé de París, but by another entity in order to provide a service to Bebé de París and, in some cases, to use the information generated by themselves to provide their own services to third parties, all in accordance with a contract we have concluded between Bebé de París and that entity with the purpose, among others, of dealing with the information in a controlled manner. .

Session Cookies: are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data during the time you access a web page, service, email or social network.

Persistent cookies: they are a type of cookies in which the data is still stored on your device and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the entity responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Analysis cookies: are those that, well treated by Bebé de París or by third parties, allow us to quantify and qualify users of our websites, blogs, emails or social networks in which we are present to perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use that users make of them.

Advertising cookies: are those that allow the effective management of the advertising spaces that Bebé de París includes in its own digital media, in accordance with non-behavioral criteria of users, such as the content of the website or the frequency in which show the ads

Behavioral advertising cookies: are those that allow the effective management of the advertising spaces that Bebé de París has in its digital media, websites, blogs, apps or emails and in other advertising media of third parties based on the behavior and use of the services by our users, obtained through the continued observation of the use of the services of Bebé de París or third parties, which allows us to develop a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

Social network cookies: are those that offer the possibility of connecting to them and share content with Bebé de París and other users of networks, manage the advertising spaces in them and get information about your profile and the use you make of our accounts in social networks.

5. What are your rights in relation to the information we treat?

5.1. In general

You have the following rights in relation to your data:

Right to know if we are treating your personal data, to access them and to request information about how and why we treat them and, if applicable, request a copy.

Right to rectify and modify the data when they are not correct or are inaccurate and request their deletion, when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collected them.

For reasons related to your particular situation, you have the right to oppose the processing of your data and, where appropriate, to revoke the consent you have given us for it.

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we limit the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise and defense of claims, for what you give us your consent for or to meet legal responsibilities.

Right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, as reported through its website.

The exercise and scope of your rights is regulated by the applicable regulations.

You can exercise your rights through your Bebé de París account profile, requesting it from our privacy manager by sending an email to or by postal mail to Antonio Araguas, 3 P.I. Europolis 28232 Las Rozas, Madrid.

5.2. Regarding social network data

If you want to control the information that we obtain automatically from social networks you can do it through the options of your profile in each of the social networks where you have an account. To do this, you must log in to the social network and manage from your user profile the information that you allow the network to make public and to whom you allow access to it.

5.3. Regarding the data that we obtain through cookies

If you want to control the information we obtain automatically through cookies, you can do so through the control options of your browser or the settings of your mobile or other device with which you access our digital media. For example, you can do it from these links through the privacy options of:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer


Safari for IOS (iPhone and iPad)

Chrome for Android

6. How long will we keep the information?

We will keep the information as long as it is necessary for the management of the request you make or for the provision of the service you request and for the purposes for which it was collected, as long as you do not revoke your consent or do not request its deletion.

However, when you request by the established means the deletion of your data, these will be properly blocked without us using them, while they may be necessary for the exercise or defense of claims or may derive from their treatment some kind of legal or contractual liability for which recovery is necessary. Once this time period has elapsed, your data will be permanently deleted.

In cases where we obtain data automatically through cookies, keep in mind that some may be active for years, however, you can limit their use over time eliminating them from browsers or devices through the links mentioned in the section about your rights.

7. What is the legitimacy for the treatment of information?

In Bebé de París we treat the information according to the cases for the fulfillment of the request that you request us or serve you the service that you request, for the fulfillment of the legitimate interest of Bebé de París or for the fulfillment of legal norms or based on your consent.

8. Where do we store your information and who has access to the information?

We protect the information we collect by establishing the technical and administrative security measures indicated in the legal regulations after having made the corresponding risk analysis, so that the information is protected against access, unavailability, disclosure or unauthorized use.

Your personal information can only be accessed by our workers, who are knowledgeable about the uses for which they can use it and their limitations, the competent public and judicial authorities when they require them and as required by applicable regulations and other supplier companies to lend them services that you have requested, such as, for example, transport companies to get you the order, the company that owns the database management tool or the management of sending emails.

With each of these companies we have entered into a confidentiality agreement through which you commit to use your data solely and exclusively for these purposes and not to use them for any other, so that once the service is terminated they are obliged to eliminate the information they have obtained or keep it duly blocked and protected without being able to use it, while it may be necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, for the exercise or defense of contractual claims that must be attended to.

In cases where these companies are in a country that does not offer a level of data protection similar to ours, we ensure that they comply with the necessary security measures and equivalent to those we have, established in the standards applicable legal

Likewise, to deal with the information we obtain in an automated way about the form and use you make of our services, digital media, your devices or the advertisements we publish in our digital or third-party media, we use third-party cookies, which can access this information to treat it with its own purposes. These third parties are:

Measuring cookies

The applications that we use to obtain information about the use of our website, measure and analyze the audience are Google Analytics, Adinton, Nosto and Zopim. Which can use this data to improve their own services and to offer services to other companies. You can know those other uses from the indicated links.

The information they obtain is related to the number of pages visited, the language, social network in which our news is published, the city or region to which the IP address from which you access is assigned, the number of new users, the frequency and recidivism of the visits, the visit time, the browser and the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made.

Advertising cookies

In order to advertise our products and services we use advertising cookies through the tools provided by Criteo, Adwords and Tradetracker. Which can use this data to improve their own services and to offer services to other companies. You can know those other uses from the indicated links. These cookies allow you to store information about users' browsing through browsing sessions, presenting advertisements directly related to their interests or previous searches. They are usually cookies that come from companies automated purchase of advertising space.

Social cookies

In our webs there are a series of tools or applications that will allow you to interact with other applications such as:

Facebook Connect, which allows you, as soon as you wish, by clicking on the corresponding button, connect and maintain your Facebook profile associated with our pages.

Google+, which allows you, as long as you wish, by clicking on the corresponding button, connect and maintain your Google + profile associated with our pages.

Social Plugins Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin that allow you to perform, as long as you want by clicking on the corresponding button, in comments, share or make recommendations on the news we publish on our pages.

9. Changes in the privacy and cookies policy

Bebé de París can unilaterally update the information established on this page after the date of entry into force of this notice indicated at the top of the page. The updates are due to technological changes, regulations or the offer of new services that affect the privacy policy and cookies, which will be duly communicated to you.